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Helping Hands

She gathers the clothes that are hung on the door, and takes them upstairs. Tops, trousers and jackets that need to be put out. This is repeated many times, with the never ending supply. Everything must be put in its place, kept organized and presented neatly. Being a professional shop girl comes easy to her.

The staff have been wonderful since day one. Eternally grateful for how everyone treats her, she thanks her lucky stars for this opportunity. 'Clair, can you do this?'..'Clair can you help with this?'..Can you take these upstairs please Clair?'..and she does. From pricing CDs, DVDs and books, to stocking the shelves when gaps appear. Taking the cleaned and priced clothes upstairs on their hangers, to be displayed on the shop floor, it is all in a days work.

Customers ask for assistance sometimes, and even though she is a little self conscious of her voice, she does her job, and helps when she can. It seems that most do not realize or notice anything jarring about the new girl. The fears in her head, are precisely that..just imaginary fears. Did I die? Is this actually happening?..she pinches herself..yes..this is real. Her lack of feelings about it all, are a strange thing to ponder. She is not excited, ecstatic or jubilant. There is no skipping with joy. No feeling of strangeness. just a calm, and surety. It's a job that she goes to. Any concerns she had, were those that anyone would feel at a new place. She settled in quickly, and goes about her day.

The middle aged ladies who run this Charity Shop, carry on as normal. They speak to her, without asking prying questions. It is very mundane, and this is fine with her. The ladies find out that she needs real world experience through general conversation. It's understood that this is part of the process, and this is how she sees it too. It is not some 'dream come true' or an obstacle to overcome...something that must be endured. There is no baptism of fire, or perception of some grandiose undertaking. The only feeling that permeates her contentment. Staying grounded as this all unfolds is key. Flights of fancy, or careering towards doubts, will do her no good at all. Stay in the moment..don't over analyze..and just do.

Even a year a go, if someone had told her that she would be here doing this, she would have laughed at the proposition. Now that it is a reality, she sees how absurd her private worries were. The only thing stopping you is yourself, and she refuses to listen to that imprint any longer. The rope is cut, and with a small smile, she keeps building a new foundation.

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